I am so sorry for not updating my BLOG sooner.  Life has been busy.  After graduating from Captain’s Career Course at Fort Benning in March, I was given an opportunity to serve at Gonzaga University in the ROTC Program.  So the family and I just moved from Fort Benning, Georgia to Spokane, Washington. Not far at all, just 2495 miles. Needless to say, the boys have sure been enjoying the extra fast food trips and cake pop galore.  I think they like the life of vagabonds which afford them less naps and more treats. They are darling.

In between jobs, I had a few great speaking engagement opportunities. Tiffany and I went to Texas and spoke at Second Baptist Church, the VA Center and a few other great Christian venues in Houston. We were able to spend time with the parents of a student we sponsored. Texans are awesome. I also spoke at a West Point Society banquet and met up with a lot of my classmates as well as other great leaders. It was nice to catch up with old friends.

I signed into my new unit, Gonzaga ROTC. There are a lot of great people I am going to work with here. The students are smart, strong, and always challenging themselves. I know I am going to love it here.

We moved into an amazing house and the kids and Tiffany love it. Living two hours from our families in Pasco, is especially a blessing.

I hope to write more, now that life has settled a bit.

  • Leodenia

    I’d really like to read his story! Today I aclulaty went to a lunch talk put on by the Military Medical Student Association – a trauma surgeon (army) who served in OIF in 2008. I learned so much about this war that I didn’t even know about (e.g. we had troops in the Horn of Africa – where I lived for a year!), and it made me appreciate {even more} what our men and women do for our country and others. The trauma surgeon started with his training at Fort Benning and it made me think of you! 🙂 By the way: can you please thank Andrew for me? He’s the only person I know in the military (besides my classmates). 🙂

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