Since releasing Hope Unseen, my life has been incredibly busy but wonderful at the same time. God continues to open doors.  At the end of the book (not to ruin the story for any of you who haven’t read it yet), I was teaching the core leadership course at West Point – a class taken by all juniors at the academy. “PL300” uses theory to enhance cadets’ understanding of leadership, and emphasizes personal reflection to demonstrate how and why experience is so important in their leadership development.  I used stories from my High School, college, and platoon Leader days to draw a clearer picture of the theoretical terms and their application to real life.  I also used video clips from Patton, Band of Brothers, Finding Nemo, and of course The Office. (It is amazing how many leadership qualities Michael Scott has…Oops, I mean does not have.)  The students enjoyed the class and were always thoroughly engaged, no matter how tired or how stressed they were.  We made it a fun and exciting learning experience.

After an amazing semester with the Class of 2011, I was asked to command an Army company – to lead over 200 men and women in West Point’s Warrior Transition Unit – a supportive environment for soldiers who had been injured and were sorting out their next steps.  This was an amazing opportunity, but I knew it would possibly be more exhausting than teaching, and would require more time – so I wanted to make sure Tiffany was part of the decision.  My wife supported me 100%, and I took the company.

The job has lasted for about eighteen months — a year and a half learning about my own leadership abilities and leadership deficiencies.  (I would love to share some of these stories in the weeks and months to come.)  I grew so much personally as my faith deepened and my relationship with my family became stronger.  I had a wonderful administrative staff, nursing and social workers, and phenomenal military support.  Everyone I worked with gave the effort needed to assist the soldiers in our unit.

As the command wraps up, my family and I are preparing to move to Georgia for a dose of the Army’s advanced education program, and possibly for another company command.  God continues to open doors.

Please keep in touch and follow the blog postings that will continue to come.

God bless.

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