In Blog

LEGO Lesson

My oldest son, Grady, has two small LEGO sets that make up houses, helicopters and cars. Today, Grady wanted me to help him put together the helicopter. I remembered doing this when I was a kid [...]

In Blog

New Job

I entered a new job last week at Gonzaga University ROTC Department. The men and women welcomed me with open arms. It is funny to say, but this is the 5th State my family and I have lived in, in [...]

In Blog

Bloomsday Run 2012

Bloomsday is an annual 12K run that takes place in Spokane, WA every year. Tiffany, her sister Nicole, the boys and I ran in it this year. I lived in Eastern Washington for 10 years and never [...]

Military Moving

During our recent move to Washington, my youngest, Graham, kept asking why they were taking his toys and his bicycle. He was beside himself and couldn’t understand why strangers were in his [...]

On Being a Dad…

I love my boys with all of my heart. In my book, Hope Unseen, I wrote that one of the hardest things about being blind is not being able to see my children. The other night the boys were being [...]

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