
After three new jobs, in three different states and now having three boys, Tiffany and I finally made time to take a vacation. What sweet relaxation it was walking on the beach with my beautiful [...]

Semester End

The semester at Gonzaga is coming to a close and I am able to reflect on this year with pride. The Gonzaga Cadets had many weeks of hard training and accomplished a lot. Ranger Challenge was a [...]

Turkey Trot

Living so close to Pasco, WA, I was finally able to spend time with my family this Thanksgiving. On the drive, I started thinking about the relaxing morning I was going to have. No work. Kids [...]

Ranger Challenge

Getting settled into my new job at Gonzaga has been anything but dull! The past few weeks have kept me busy planning the Ranger Challenge for the area’s ROTC schools. Gonzaga’s ROTC [...]

In Blog

Change of Command

My brothers, Neal and Stephen, and I recently flew to Fort Lewis, WA to attend Lieutenant General (LTG) Brown’s promotion and Change of Command. We had the opportunity to fly with Dr. [...]

In Blog

Selfless Service

Working towards something greater than yourself. Monday, I was given the opportunity to speak to the US Women’s Olympic Volleyball Team about selfless service. Giving back to a country that [...]

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